Tests Relating to be Done

Tests Relating to be Done

Tests Relating to be Done chinese herbs for prostatitisThe diagnosis of prostatitis developed rapidly in recent years, such as digital rectal exam, prostate fluid analysis, trans-rectal ultrasound, prostate biopsy or voiding analysis. Here we will just focus on three main methods---digital rectal exam, prostate fluid analysis, trans-rectal ultrasound, prostate biopsy or voiding analysis. home remedies for prostatitis A digital rectal exam is the simplest and most convenient way to check prostate. The doctor will get into the rectum from anus with a gloved, lubricated finger and palpates the insides for a short time (from about 5 to 60 seconds). During this procedure, the doctor will palpate the bulb of the penis, the urogenitial diaphragm, the anorectal ring and other nearby anatomical landmarks, and you may feel slight discomfort, but it does not result in any damage to them. After this preliminary check, further testing will be required if the doctor detects a suspicious limp. Trans-rectal ultrasound is the most common test to look at the male pelvic organs. The doctor will use a lubricated transducer probe to insert into your rectum, and then it create an image of organs in the pelvis from different angles, and you may feel some pressure. Compared with the digital rectal exam, trans-rectal ultrasound improves test accuracy. It may reveal prostatitis, prostate cancer and benign prostatic hypertrophy. Prostate biopsy is the gold standard among diagnoses of prostatitis. There are several different types of biopsies. A biopsy of the prostate should be guided by ultrasound. The doctor will use a needle through the wall of your rectum and into prostate to remove the tissue sample and you may feel comfortable. By the way, you will be given antibiotics for a day before the test. Even if you feel better after taking treatment, you should be re-tested to be sure infection is cured. Unlike having to taking so many tests before, you can just take one test--- prostate fluid analysis---for signs of infection. If the result shows no infection, you are totally cured.